Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Day in Dartmoor

Love Dartmoor. Love the woods. Love the ever-stretching fields and moors. Love the wildlife. Love this place!

The woods and green leafy lanes are a tranquil place.

The stonework is beautiful and history loving.

The sheep are entertaining to watch - the little lambs head-butting the mothers and then frantically helicoptering their tails. They lay all over the road and think nothing of it.

The cows are impressive. Amanda would love these cows. These are real cows - all weather cows.

The ponies are friendly and gorgeous. We patted them and played with them and watched the foal have a feed, then cross its legs and try to go to sleep, and then give up and just lie down flat.

The moors yell to be walked upon and over and through. Many walkers, hikers and just ordinary people were setting out for walks across the moor as we were driving along. The all gave a cheery wave as we crept by.

The place is wonderful. Dartmoor forests, woods and moors are wonderful.


  1. Dartmoor is awesome hey :). I can't wait to compare Dartmoor photos when you get back xxx

  2. Lots and lots of photos to compare, between Richard's collection and mime.
