Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Day at the Giant's Causeway and Dunluce

The Giant's Causeway is on the northern coastline of Northern Ireland. 
It is a geological tourist site and takes in more than just the rock formations.
Just down the road is an old ruined castle.


  1. It's just incredible isn't it! Almost too much to take in. Looks like you got some sunshine. Hope it wasn't too windy.

  2. It was very cold to begin with, then warm and sunny. Well worth the walk all around the coast line until we reached the end - all boarded up and signs saying 'Access Forbidden Rock Falls'. So much there...

  3. Glad you walked all the way :)

  4. I started off wrapped up in a scarf and windproof jacket and ended up with both tied around my waist.
