Saturday, June 4, 2011


The idea is starting to become real and very disappointing. It is like the trip is over and we are back to reality. It is over all too soon and we have not even left yet. I miss my kids - my real ones and my students at school. I miss doing the cleaning and cooking and housework and I miss the humdrum rhythm of everyday existence. It may be easier to stay here.        

Better to have loved and lost ..... Babette's Feast..... I hear you yell.....?

Nine days to go. Cards to be picked up and signed for today. Confirmations printed off. iphone delivered. Bird cage lovely and redecorated. Major 'moving-into-gear' now.

I have made a folder with details of the trip, collations of confirmations, collections of cards, addresses and lats and longs of each place. I have downloaded podcasts and map apps and weather apps. The weather here is nice and not at all winterish and I wonder if I should repack the bag and take out the coat and jumper (seeing as it is summer in Europe). Today's big decision - to choose ONE book to take. Short list of six.

Jack London stories - Call of the Wild, White Fang
Samuel Clemens - Tom Sawyer
Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
Jonathon Swift - Gulliver's Travels
Richard Adams - Watership Down
Sonya Hartnett - Of a Boy

What apps would you suggest?
What book should I take?
What book would you take?


  1. Oh Mum I should have given you my e-reader to take with you!!!! It is little and has 100 books on it!!!!

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh - too late now. You have an ebook!! e is better than i

  3. don't forget the map app!

  4. Hehehe :). Mummy I was thinking it would be good to take a trip down to give you the e-book and the Mary Kay stuff. But when????

  5. mmmm - don't stress - whatever. Don't want to take your e-book away tho...
