Vilnius to Riga on the bus. Our experiences with buses in the eastern block countries has been very pleasant. One bus was like travelling in an aeroplane, with a 'flight' attendant, magazines, food, hot drinks and onboard WC. The fares are cheap and the travel comfortable. The 'toi toi' was unpleasant for us all but bearable most of the time.
Vilnius to Riga meant travelling from Lithuania to Latvia, and it is further north, closer to Russia. It is a five hour trip and they do not serve food on this trip.
A change of currency - yet another one - and a change of countries - yet another one.
The trip went through fields and farms, villages and towns. The style of buildings changed slightly but it was all still lovely. One 'toi toi' stop - expensive for a hole in the ground.
The border between Lithuania and Latvia was marked by a small dilapidated sentry box. The guards boarded and checked our passports, the sniffer dogs checking the bus and the stowage hold. Burly girl guards with guns and dogs with badges.
We were deemed safe and allowed to go to Latvia. The landscape changed, a bit more forbidding and less pretty.
Riga is a large city, the horizon punctuated by a few tall steeples and a relay tower. The airport is new and modern. The bus station is older, the information girl (who spoke at least three languages) was very helpful. The tram would take us to the B&B... if we could work out where it was.
Tram lines everywhere. Trams everywhere. Stops, nowhere. Wheel away and watch. Much later, potential stop found, tram boarded, off we go.
Vilnius to Riga meant travelling from Lithuania to Latvia, and it is further north, closer to Russia. It is a five hour trip and they do not serve food on this trip.
A change of currency - yet another one - and a change of countries - yet another one.
The trip went through fields and farms, villages and towns. The style of buildings changed slightly but it was all still lovely. One 'toi toi' stop - expensive for a hole in the ground.
The border between Lithuania and Latvia was marked by a small dilapidated sentry box. The guards boarded and checked our passports, the sniffer dogs checking the bus and the stowage hold. Burly girl guards with guns and dogs with badges.
We were deemed safe and allowed to go to Latvia. The landscape changed, a bit more forbidding and less pretty.
Riga is a large city, the horizon punctuated by a few tall steeples and a relay tower. The airport is new and modern. The bus station is older, the information girl (who spoke at least three languages) was very helpful. The tram would take us to the B&B... if we could work out where it was.
Tram lines everywhere. Trams everywhere. Stops, nowhere. Wheel away and watch. Much later, potential stop found, tram boarded, off we go.