Thursday, May 5, 2011

Airport Queues and Traffic Jams

You would like to think you are that sort of person, above it all and expecially above criticism. Airport queues are a false mirror - the new neighbours are nice and then you never see them again. Most of the time one can be patient and unaware. Most of the time....

Traffic jams give the researcher time to assess the skills needed for performance and applaud in all situations queue like. Had the chance today. Had the chance to work out what personalities pop up in the queues of life, had the chance to think about what personality I am.
Choosing to sit behind the truck, the traffic built up on all sides. Long, long rows of traffic. Many merging lanes. Still enough time to get to work. I am loyal to the truck, not tempted to stray into the other lane, content with one friend. The girl with the pink top drove past, texting and driving on another set of radar eyes. Pragmatic and Gen Y.

The railing has interesting rivets and who appreciates them more than me at this moment? The rubbish spoils the grass. The cloud looks like a horse.
The red head guy sidles up, patient and calm. Besuited and neat.
The white car pushes in - hey! I am content to sit behind the truck that no one wanted to know and then you push in! Suppose you can join our game. You can be in the middle. We will let you play....oh so now you want to push in somewhere else and off you go huh. Back to the end of the truck and examining the dust and signs. I can still make it to work on time.

Beyond the truck and out of view some one lets in all the merging traffic. Zipper, people! One by one, one in, one on, one in, one on. Polite is sooooo nice, polite is good, but not in a traffic jam. The lady behind is yelling her head off and I can lipread even in the mirror. Full on packing it! No way is she getting there any quicker by yelling. Check watch - getting on and I am going to be late. Come on people. What is it? Oh, maybe there is an accident.... Watch the pink top girl again - texting again. The truck can't text. Check out leaves and colours. Check watch. Come on people!
Pass the white car. Wonder why he bothered. Pass the patient guy, still being patient in his suit. Polite person lets more cars through all in a mad tearing hurry - come on people, you are rushing and are counting on me to be there! I have responsibilities. COME ON PEOPLE - I am late. Maybe I can text and let them know I will be late. Panic pulses, cars push in - the truck moves on and leaves me behind. I am forsaken and very late. COME ON!!!

Pass the scene, then spread out and on, the gear is more than first and off we go. The pushy one guns it, the patient one moves by, the pragmatic gen texter looks at the road at last and the packing it, panic merchant whoops and yells some more.

So how to handle queues and lines? Which persona dons the mantle? I learned much about roadside rivets, rubbish and rails. There is all manner of wildlife dwelling in our skies and all and sundry invade our bubble on the road. My post traumatic stress reflection concludes that I am all of the pees to some extent but in the end it seems a bit pathetic.
Which 'p' are you - or do you have another thought - please post your comments. Were you in the traffic jam this morning?

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