Friday, April 29, 2011

It's in the Bag

Bag research starts (shoe research never ends) and it is harder than one would think especially if special size and colour is required. Isn't a bag a bag a bag?

Soft or hard....big or medium.... dark or light......wheels or or two......or three or is not so easy. Nor is it  easy to find one once those decisions are made. So it is soft and medium, dark and wheels and old and tried and true and not expensive, however there is the handbag and on board bag to consider and also the bags to hold the outfits inside and the shoes.

My packing is organised so that each outfit is packed into a light organza bag (so that I can find it easily, not have to rummage for the top or bottom) and each pair of shoes is placed in a lightweight bag that protects the clothes from dirt. Toiletries are in plastic and personals (journals, scissors and camera) in leather. Outfits can be mixed and matched and most weather conditions catered for. The organza is organised, drawstrings drawn, plastic poised and the leather whipped into many shapes.
Some items are to be purchased - a bag big enough for a coat and a bottle of water, with back pack straps and outside pocket in a dark colour preferably in leather and a boy back pack for the man with sturdy straps, nicely padded and no gaudy colours or brand names. You would think.... well we were wrong.

None to be had. Too little, too bright, tooo brand-y, tooooo tan, way toooo ugly, way way way too strappy and none with style. No girl bag yet - heading for Hong Kong and shopping if I must. Must make do with bags within bags within bags. Organza in drawstring in canvas with leather. Packets in pockets and strapses enzippered. An inside and outside and sideside and topside to put all the thingses and bitses and pieces. One little success...boy back pack bought - nicely padded and pocketed. Would you like that in a bag sir?

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