Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Blessing or a Curse?

Micro cleaning the house in preparation for being away has been underway for weeks now. It seems never ending and no one would notice or care, but it must be done. It would appear somewhat ludicrous that humans are so subservient to inanimate objects. We dust and polish and wash and clean, condition and display thing that could not care let alone care less. Beautiful days have come and gone and we serve our belongings.

If we had fewer things our lives may be simpler. We crave the simple life - indeed go 'bush' and live in tents for fun. Camping and caravanning hold delight for so many of us. What is for dinner - beans, beans or beans? How many of us have such happy memories of making cubbies, constructing tree houses, sleeping under the stars, doing the pretend running away from home (but just until it gets dark) with the most precious belongings tucked into our suitcase. One son once packed his bag to run away from home - contents of suitcase - matchbox cars, teddy, crayons and slippers.

Simplicity is great but the self righteousness that may be felt in hand washing clothes, hand sewing clothes and hand beating cakes may glow less brightly after just a little while. Should we only eat what we grow? Life would be simpler without cars - should we walk everywhere - great exercise and good thinking time. The questions reflect a greater tension that we all struggle with at some time - labour-saving services are fantastic - a boon to modern men and women and enjoyed for most of the time but need our tending. One of the greatest labour-saving devices ever invented was the sewing machine. Mine is sitting beside me. How to balance the labour saving with care and tending is a modern day skill. Whereas in other times the flocks and herds and waterholes needed tending to, for me it is the washing machine and vaccy. Is that labour less important, less valid?

So a micro cleaning we will go - get ready for a house sitter maybe. Be a good steward of this little patch of earth. Methinks it is all sound work, and honest labour - perhaps the sounding board is what is our intention. Honouring the things or honouring the life we have been given by looking after the bountiful riches that have been afforded us.

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