Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Unexpected in Vietnam

 Have no idea what this could mean or from where it may have come...
 The hot chocolate at Sapa has replace the one at Stockholm as the best in the world.
 At a little craft stall a woman and her baby waited for the end of the day - scarves and bags hanging in the still warmth of the evening, the baby playing with a bowl full of poisonous snakes collected from the padi fields that were for their evening meal.
 The birds taken to work was expected, but not the displays of tenderness and affection that came with it.
 All things on bikes, but still trying to work out what these are..
 On the boat in Halong bay I was expecting a Gideon's Bible but got a mallet.
 Romance was promised on the boat at Halong, the lights courtesy of a birthday candle in a tomato.
 Squid fishing at night.
 Halong Bay I thought was a single bay with  a few limestone rocks poking up - not so - thousands of rocks and islands covering a huge area. 
 the wet area
One never knew what to expect with showers and toilets
 the raft to the island
Aussie fare at the Gecko

Faces of Vietnam