Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Scarborough Hotel

Scarborough Hotel is south of Sydney,
north of Wollongong, near Stanwell Park.
Popular with tourists, sports enthusiasts and now families,
it is a convenient half way point for Sydney to the Gong bike race and travellers to and from Sydney and Wollongong.

 view to the north

 for those wanting a better view...
 sample fare

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mount Keira

Mount Keira.
West of Wollongong.
30 minutes north of Shellharbour.
Easy walking tracks.
Dining and refreshment facilities.

 North Wollongong and the lighthouse.
 Lake Illawarra
 The Steelworks.
 Ships waiting to dock at Port Kembla.
 The Lighthouse.
 Walking tracks.

 Parking and dining.
Looking north
 North along the coast.